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Grass and leaves in street gutters

Posted on Monday, July 10, 2017 - 08:42 Used tags:

According to Wichita's Municipal Code 10.04.030, it is unlawful to rake, sweep, or otherwise move leaves, grass, dirt, paper, debris, or any other material into the streets, gutters, drains, or drainage ditches along the side of any street or alley in the city.

Why?  Not only does it look messy, but more for the simple reason that it will end up in the city's storm water drains, eventually clogging the drains that allow storm waters to drain off the city's streets during downpours. So remind those who mow that this is against the City ordinance and perpetrators can be charged with a misdemeanor.  Storm drains and drainage ditches help move water away from properties and divert possible property damage.  Keep your neighborhood on track so your property or vehicle does not become a statistic. If you see someone that consistently does this, please call Stormwater Management at 316-268-8337.
