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May 2021 Minutes

Posted on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 17:28

Minutes for May 18, 2021 DNA Meeting

  • Start time: 6:32 p.m.
  • End time: 7:52 p.m.

The police officer events.

Met with Cindy. The city owed the property behind dollar store. So no park or getting dog and walk way. But hasn't heard anything back. There need confirmation on this to get it cleaned up. Took picture of flier. To get word out. Talking about police activity in the area. Get city with police officer on board with the development going on behind dollar and behind Quick trip etc.

New Business

People are concerned about a new housing is going up and there not wanted it. Because it's going to be a bunch of duplexes.

Old Business

Were trying to fill some spots on another committee. It's pretty easy it volunteer your time. Planning committee secretary is opened too.

Must talk about where we are having our meeting not assuming we're doing it at the church. Did not rule on this yet so we're at the Delano diner.

Delano clean up

170 mattress cleaned up. Must find volunteers of at least 25 or more. We barely made it.
