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April 2024 Minutes

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2024 - 19:34 Used tags:

Delano Neighborhood Association (DNA) Meeting Minutes

Date: 04.16.24

Location: Delano’s Diner

Recorded By: Danny Lawson, DNA Recording Secretary

Meeting Called to Order At: 6:31 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned At: 7:58 p.m.

Number of Neighbors Present: 8

Guests Present: 1

Old Business: An update on some parking issues near Riverfront Stadium. Also some discussion on the removal and planting of trees in the area, we continue to lose more than what are being planted.

Financial Report: Operating Account $1,008.40; Gateway Fund $3,068.17

Other Reports: Beat Officer Phommachanh shared with us that overall crime in Delano has gone down in Delano. Some discussion on police response times due to the overall office shortage for the City of Wichita. Questions about abandoned vehicles and what to do about them were answered.

New Business: Upcoming events include Open Streets ICT 10.13.24, Safe Treat 10.26.24 and the Delano Business Association’s Holiday Shopping promotion in late November. The long proposed (23 years +/-) Chisholm Trail Parkway construction has begun as well as the new Amphitheater on the riverbank at Exploration Place. The Delano Neighborhood Clean Up will again be split in two, north and south divided by Douglas. Firm dates to be announced later.

Respectfully submitted,

Danny Lawson

DNA Recording Secretary
