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August 2024 Minutes

Posted on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 11:32 Used tags: ,

Delano Neighborhood Association (DNA) Meeting Minutes

Date: 08.20.24
Location: Delano’s Diner
Recorded By: Danny Lawson, DNA Recording Secretary
Meeting Called to Order At: 6:32 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned At: 7:48 p.m.
Number of Neighbors Present: 9
Guests Present: 2

Old Business: Some discussion on making DNA Meeting Signs to post throughout the neighborhood a few days prior to our meetings. The paid parking concern for Wichitans, not just Delano. The planned Exploration Place wall along McLean Blvd. Update on the Chisholm Trail Parkway and the rapid progress it’s making. Update on the private development with the Ballpark Village, Lange Real Estate remodel, hotel at Maple & McLean. Open Streets ICT will run from Glenn to Bluff on 10.13.24.

Financial Report: Operating Account $1,008.40; Gateway Fund $3,068.17

Other Reports: Beat Officer Phom, along with the new Lieutenant over CPS’s Larry Dautrich, shared with us that overall issues in Delano the previous month. A robbery at the Subway (suspect arrested). A few assorted questions and answers on reporting crimes, zoning violations, etc. The See/Click/Fix page on the City of Wichita website was shared.

New Business: Upcoming events include Open Streets ICT 10.13.24, Safe Treat 10.25.24 and the Delano Business Association’s Holiday Shopping promotion in late November. A Q&A on the paid parking will be held at the Delano Senior Center on 08.21.24.

The next DNA meeting will be 09.17.24.

Respectfully submitted,
Danny Lawson
DNA Recording Secretary
