November 2024 Minutes
Delano Neighborhood Association (DNA) Meeting Minutes
Date: 11.19.24
Location: Delano’s Diner
Recorded By: Danny Lawson, DNA Recording Secretary
Meeting Called to Order At: 6:31 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned At: 7:11 p.m.
Number of Neighbors Present: 4
Guests Present: 0
Old Business: Reminder of our DAB Meeting on the first Monday of December.
Financial Report: Operating Account $1,008.40; Gateway Fund $3,068.17
Other Reports: Police report unavailable this month.
New Business: District 4 Town Hall at Fire Station # 17 on 01.04.25. Discussion on C.O.R.E., a group of Neighborhood Association Presidents. A Ceremony of Lights at Friends University will be held on 11.24.24. The Small Business/Holidays in Delano will be 11.30.24, hopefully many of our residents will get out and support this event. A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Chisholm Trail Parkway will be 12.11.24 in the Dog Park area, all are invited.
The next DNA meeting will be 12.17.24.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny Lawson
DNA Recording Secretary