February 2025 Agenda
Delano Neighborhood Association
General Meeting
February 25, 2025
Delano’s Diner
1220 West Douglas Ave., Wichita, KS 67203
6:30 P.M.
- Call to Order
- Approval of agenda
- Approval of previous minutes
- Wichita Police Dept. Report: Crime stats and community policing issues
Class Report Number First Date Time Public Address Narrative Burglary - Commercial 25C012568 01/23/2025 07:42 AM 5XX S SENECA ST, WICHITA, KS R1 reports two unk suspects entering the vacant business and taking property. Assault - Aggravated 25C017884 01/30/2025 12:01 AM 2XX N FERN AVE, WICHITA, KS V1 reports their husband cutting them with a knife days before they spoke with officers. Burglary - Residential 25C018954 01/31/2025 05:00 PM 4XX N GLENN AVE, WICHITA, KS V1 reports unk suspect(s) breaking the front door and taking property from the vacant residence. Assault - Aggravated 25C018626 02/02/2025 04:01 PM 7XX W 2ND ST N, WICHITA, KS Security for the business reports an unk suspect video recording himself with scissors then pointing them at the victim. The suspect left before officers arrived. Assault - Aggravated 25C020508 02/05/2025 07:35 PM 12XX W DOUGLAS AVE, WICHITA, KS An employee reports someone running in the business and telling them that someone pointed a gun at them. Both the suspect and the victim left before officers arrived. Burglary - Commercial 25C020598 02/05/2025 11:13 PM 5XX W MAPLE ST, WICHITA, KS R1 reports three suspect breaking into the property while they were inside. All three suspects located and arrested. Burglary - Commercial 25C021361 02/06/2025 04:45 PM 7XX W 2ND ST N, WICHITA, KS R1 reports unk suspect(s) breaking into the business’ trailer and taking property. Assault - Aggravated 25C021800 02/07/2025 09:36 PM 2XX S SYCAMORE ST, WICHITA, KS V1 reports her boyfriend strangling her during an argument. Burglary - Commercial 25C023809 02/09/2025 07:00 AM 2XX N MERIDIAN AVE, WICHITA, KS R1 reports two unk suspects damaging the business’ unattached garage and taking property inside. Burglary - Commercial 25C024395 02/11/2025 10:00 AM 5XX W DOUGLAS AVE, WICHITA, KS R1 reports unk suspect(s) entering the business and damaging property inside. Property was moved but not taken. - Guest Speaker: Traci Terrill, Associate Broker, REALTOR- AHWD from The Cultivate Group
- President’s Report: SeeClickFix reports: Abandoned vehicle; Potholes; Downtown Wichita Action Plan first open house on 2025-03-04.
- Treasurer’s Report: The association’s financial status; DBA meeting; DU
- Dispatch Editor: Dispatch related topics, If any. Property Taxes; Equity Bank Park; USD 259 Bond Issue Vote; Paddy Day Parade
- District Director’s Reports: Issues or items of interest in their districts, if any. DNB2024-00058 Demolition completed at 437 S Osage on 2025-02-24 after 2024-12-02 fire.
- Plan neighborhood events for 2025 (Soup Supper, Cleanup, Safe Treat)
- DNA Awareness, Recruitment, & Unity
- Delano Dispatch
- Neighborhood Meeting Signs
- Delano Revitalization Plan: Paid parking on Douglas; Arkansas River west bank landscape improvements between Douglas and Maple.
- Establishing backup practices and procedures in the event that a board member can no longer perform their duties (ie: illness, death, resignation)
- Follow up regarding any development issues pending before MAPC
- Re-establish Communication & Event Committees, and duties if established
- Delano Neighborhood (Kansas) Facebook Group
- Update on City of Wichita projects: W Douglas St improvements, Transit Hub by April 2026, etc
- Update on private development in Delano:
- Wichita Brewing Company & Pizzeria at 901 W. Douglas opens 2025-02-26.
- ZON2025-00002 MAPC Staff Report re: CBD zoning for 623 West Douglas
- Planning dapartment response letter re: ignoring PUD2021-00016 at 220 S Hadley/820 W Burton Ave
- Ballpark Village
- Maple & McLean Development (groundbreaking?)
- Discussion of traffic, speeding, and parking issues in Delano.
- Off-agenda items: Open the floor for anything not on the prepared agenda
- The next DNA meeting: March 18 2025
- The next Delano United meeting: TBD