February 2024 Minutes
Delano Neighborhood Association (DNA) Meeting Minutes
Date: 02.20.24
Location: Delano’s Diner
Recorded By: Danny Lawson, DNA Recording Secretary
Meeting Called To Order At: 6:34 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned At: 8:00 p.m.
Number of Neighbors Present: 7
Guests Present: 1
Old Business: The Delano Business Association (DBA) has started meeting again. A special Memorial Bench to honor Michael Walker is coming to the new Millwood Park soon, the concrete pad has already been poured. Wichita Independent Neighborhoods (WIN) meets this Saturday the 24th. Homeless/Vagrant issues were discussed along with abandoned vehicles and the Wichita Special Police Information Data Entry (SPIDER) program.
Financial Report: No Financial Report this month. Checking has been transferred to new Treasurer, Christopher Parisho. The Gateway Project fund has hit a snag in transferring signatures, but should be resolved very soon.
Other Reports: Beat Officer Phom was on assignment this month, the Police report was given by Officer Atondo, he shared a general rundown of events in Delano over the past month.
New Business: 03.16.24 will be the annual Paddy’s Day Parade in Delano, same plans as last year. By consensus, we will not make a float this year. The City of Wichita will be hosting several training labs for those heading up the annual neighborhood clean ups. Delano will once again do the very successful North/South clean ups. Some information was shared by Brooke Kauchak, Community Services Representative District 4, about how to report zoning code violations on the City’s website.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny Lawson
DNA Recording Secretary